The Eiffel Tower
So far I have not had any problems doing this.
It is much easier if you start in the middle and work up and then across the top to the left.
The diagram is in 10 space wide blocks, and I found it is easier to follow if you do one complete block at a time.
I am truly enjoying doing this stitchery.
Posted by: emudd49 on 12/09/15
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Doing one block at a time is much easier! I always begin in the middle and work in a circle around the center. Looks as if we all do it in a different manner! All that matters is that we enjoy it.
Posted by: WAstitcher on 12/09/15
I agree with the one block of ten by ten concept. Except, if I am using a particular floss that goes over the line for a few stitches I would carry it across. This would also prevent the ridges that some stitchers notice once the piece is finished.

Beautiful pattern
Posted by: NANCYE G on 12/09/15