Light Box
I'm tackling a new project and starting with navy blue on black! My makeup mirror isn't working really well with this so I'd like to hear some information about a light box. Where do I find one and how much do they cost. Thanks for any help you can give me.
Posted by: Senior Stitcher on 08/28/17
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Hi Senior Stitcher. If I remember right, I thought someone that posted here a while back said they were able to find what they needed, or something they could use, at Hobby Lobby but did not specify exactly what item they found or what it was called. I hope this vague info. helps a little. Sorry I couldn't tell you more than that because I don't remember it being very specific at the time.
Posted by: lbcatlovr001 on 08/28/17
Ah, Senior Stitcher, the Heroine of the Gladiolas,

Easy-peasy. I love mine, have had it for years, originally used for tracing a drawing onto stained glass, or by tattoists who need to trace a pattern.
You don't need to spend lots of money. Just google "light box"! It will show choices.l The by Darice is $4.99, so if you plan on bigger things, look for another brand. Amazon is online...see how big theirs is.

The only three things you need to check are:
1. Size of box. See above. How big is your lap?
2. Weight of box. How much weight can you tolerate on your lap while stitching?
3. How much light does it provide in lumens? The higher the number, the more light is available?
I would buy extra light bulb(s), just as soon as possible. I hope that it takes an LED light because they last a long time.
My DH plans to put one in my casket along with my UFOs!
Good luck! Have fun!
Posted by: Su Pitt on 08/28/17
lbcatlovr001 and Su Pitt: Thank you so much! I'll go online and check Hobby Lobby and others and will look for all the items listed. I had used a makeup mirror before but the lights are on the two ends so I would have to keep it moving back and forth -plus it gets very warm on my lap! There are something like 1700 navy blue stitches on black, which will probably drive me crazy if I don't get a light box. Thanks again - you've saved my sanity!
Posted by: Senior Stitcher on 08/28/17
I had to go to Amazon to see what a light box was. I guess you sit them in you lap? Saw the price wasn't much but I have always just set a lamp on the floor or a table and every hole shows as plain as day.
Posted by: eagle1dw on 08/29/17
I bought mine at Michael's and with a 50% off coupon. Love it. I use mine for tracing patterns.
Posted by: judy.boatman on 08/29/17
Another way to handle the problem is to put something white on your lap. If a glare going into your eyes is a little difficult to handle, simply placing a white cloth of some kind on your lap should make it easier to see the "holes" as you're stitching.
Posted by: quilterangel123 on 08/29/17
I have been looking and looking at Light Boxes online and found one at WalMart so I went out there to see if they had it in stock. Went to Customer Service where I got a blank stare when I asked for a Light Box. I gave the lady an explanation of what it was and she said, " I suggest that you start looking in the fabric and crafts department." She was a lot of help! After searching everywhere in the store that I thought a Light Box might be hiding, I came home and went online again - and wound up ordering one from WalMart anyway (though not here, I'm sure). For Su Pitt: The size is14.17" x 9.4" x .24". The weight is 625 g. The power is 3.6W with three-level dimmable brightness (no lumens listed). It is LED light. It cost $24.99 with free shipping. I could have found cheaper models but the rest didn't provide much information at all - and I can return this one within 90 days if I don't like it. Thanks again to all you ladies who helped. Sherry
Posted by: Senior Stitcher on 08/29/17
Let us know how you like it Senior Stitcher. It's always good to have other stitchers critique items to see how well they work.
Posted by: Bermuda on 08/29/17
quilterangel: I forgot to mention that I did try putting something white on my lap but it was still VERY difficult to see those little holes. Maybe it's my eyesight????? Bermuda: I'll get the Light Box on Sept. 12th (or so they told me). That's how I got the free shipping. I'll put a note on my calendar to notify the stitchers on how I like it when I've tried it out. Sherry
Posted by: Senior Stitcher on 08/29/17
Senior Stitcher, might I ask what possesses you to stitch with navy blue on black?????? I'm flabbergasted.
The light bulb will keep you hands warm during the cold Minnesota winters!
Posted by: Texas Stitcher on 08/29/17